Whether you are in the medical field, mental health, education, emergency services, law enforcement, or have a business that involves the public, you and your employees could benefit from an in-person training by one of our experts at the Sexploratorium. We believe in fostering a culture of respect, inclusivity, and support. Our in-person training programs are designed to help businesses and organizations across the Denver area create more compassionate and understanding environments for their clients and colleagues.
A sample of classes available:
Consent and Boundaries
Showing Respect for Your Gender-Diverse Clientele
Reviewing the Standards of Care for Transgender Clients
Basic Overview of Queer and Gender Issues
How to Best Support Your Queer Clients
Talking to Kids About Sex and Gender
How to Support Someone Who Has Experienced Sex Assault
Erasing Shame from Sex
Understanding the Biology of Gender
And More!
These sessions generally last 2-4 hours and can be done during the work day at your place of business. Call now to schedule a meaningful, memorable, and relevant training experience!